[CMake] Add search paths for FIND_PACKAGE ?

Stephen Collyer scollyer at netspinner.co.uk
Mon Nov 19 13:49:49 EST 2007

David Cole wrote:
> What is wrong with explicitly specifying the non-standard locations up front
> so that FIND_PACKAGE has nothing to do?

You assume that I considered it all. In fact, I'm far too clueless
about cmake to have done that.

> In other words, prime all the relevant cache variables with the non-standard
> locations.

You mean the CMAKE_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH variables ? So I'd set these
via something like:

cmake -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH=/som/where ...

so that it ends up in the cache file ? Or are you talking about
something completely different.

> Are there specific packages you are having difficulty with?

I have a development version  of libcurl which has a directory
structure like:


This isn't found by FindCURL.cmake due to the extra
include dir.


Steve Collyer
Netspinner Ltd

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