[CMake] CMake and CORBA

Brandon Van Every bvanevery at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 13:54:56 EST 2007

On Nov 15, 2007 1:36 PM, Benjamin Behringer <b.behringer at gmx.net> wrote:
> Hello
> I would like to use the considerable advantages of CMake in our CORBA
> project.
> Can the configurations be done by CMake or if not is there a way to call
> mico-c++ compiler instead of g++ compiler?

Sure... and it'll work as long as the mico-c++ compiler isn't "weird."
 CMake generates Makefiles and other kinds of native build systems.
It doesn't inherently care what compiler is being used... it's just
that some compilers, like MSVC, have their own native build systems
associated with them (i.e. .sln files.)  Also MSVC is "weird," so a
lot of special work is done for it (and for lookalike compilers.)

Now, is CMake already set up to detect mico-c++?  Don't know; I bet
not.  But it would be easy enough for you to implement, or for the
user to specify manually.

Brandon Van Every

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