[CMake] can't pipe cl.exe in a custom command

Brandon Van Every bvanevery at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 01:09:37 EST 2007

I'm trying to grab the cl.exe banner so I can determine the MSVC
version number.  If cl.exe is in the path, then the following works at
a Windows Command Prompt.  This gives a short banner with the VC
version number and copyright.

  cl /? 2> banner.txt

But when I try to do it in a custom command, I can't get it to pipe to
a file.  I see the output go by in the Visual Studio output window,
with 1> prefixed in front of all the lines, and it is saved in
BuildLog.htm, but cbanner.txt has 0 length no matter whether I use >
1> 2> as the pipe.  Does MSVC simply not have a notion of piping or
something?  Do I have to do something MSVC-specific to capture the
output or the error?

  OUTPUT ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cbanner.txt
  COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} /? 2> cbanner.txt

Brandon Van Every

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