[CMake] Configuring for MSVC

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Sun Nov 4 17:11:41 EST 2007

> > Is there any support for checking that the set of runtime libraries to
> > be used is consistent?  Specifically, can I scan the linker directives
> > in prebuilt static libraries?
> I'm not sure what you're asking here.
> Prebuilt static libraries don't store linker directives.

Yes, sometimes they do. On Windows, with the Microsoft compilers, which C
runtime library was linked against is encoded into a static library.

No, CMake does not provide any support for extracting that information. You
can use the "dumpbin" utility in the Microsoft compiler tool set to
determine that information yourself. If you get fancy, you could even use
CMake's EXECUTE_PROCESS to drive dumpbin and use the results in CMake
logic... If so, please post any useful macros you develop to the CMake Wiki
or back here to the mailing list.

For more on dumpbin, do a google search on "dumpbin site:microsoft.com" --
or just run "dumpbin /?" from a Visual Studio command prompt.

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