[CMake] Missing MS C/C++ Runtime Libs

Mike Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Mon May 14 17:24:49 EDT 2007

I recently started using VS 2005 Professional (up from VS 2003 .Net)
and when I compile ParaView (2.4.4) using the "INSTALL" project from
within the VS 2005 solution file everything seems to build and does
get copied to the install location but I noticed that the MS C and C++
runtime libs are no longer copied into the intsall location. Is this a
bug somewhere? Has anyone else noticed this? I used to be able to
right click on the "INSTALL" project, let it run to completion, then
simply copy the Paraview 2.4.4 folder onto a  server for other people
to use. Now I am not sure what else needs to be copied.


Mike Jackson
imikejackson _at_ gee-mail dot com

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