[CMake] Auto-convert all IDL files in a tree?

Dave Wolfe dwolfe at gforcetech.com
Sat Jun 23 15:37:59 EDT 2007

I have a project with some (home-brewed) IDL files that I need to run a
python script on to convert to CPP.  Some of these IDL files include
other IDL files, which may, in turn, include *other* IDL files.  I
really only need to convert the 'top-level' files, i.e., the ones that
are NOT included by any other file.

The existing IDL-to-CPP script will tell me which files are top-level
files if I feed it the right commandline arg, and it will also enumerate
the dependencies (included files) of a given IDL file.  So I think I've
got all the pieces I need but... can anyone recommend a way of hooking
this all up to CMake?

The project is adding/removing IDL files *constantly*, so I'd like to
set things up so that the build system simply monitors the project tree,
'notices' when a new IDL file is added, and recomputes the list of
targets.  Is this even possible?  Any advice?


- Dave W.

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