[CMake] FILE command in make_custom_target

Brandon Van Every bvanevery at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 10:26:39 EDT 2007

On 6/17/07, Philippe Fremy <phil at freehackers.org> wrote:
>         Hi,
> I want a directory to be built when a custom target is executed.
> I tried something like this:
>         add_custom_target(
>                 doc_libyzis

COMMANDs for a custom target are not CMake commands.  They are
commands you could run on a command line.  You can't use FILE, you
have to use a system-specific "mkdir" or some such.  You could write a
CMake script with FILE in it, and then invoke the CMake script with
"cmake -P", if you want something guaranteed to be portable.

Come to think of it, "cmake -E mkdir mydirectoryname" is supposed to
have been added, according to bug #3776.  But it isn't in CMake 2.4.6
on Windows.  So, I'm reopening the bug.

Brandon Van Every

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