[CMake] Makefile includes

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 09:49:25 EDT 2007

2007/6/4, John Donovan <john.donovan at embryonicstudios.com>:
> We're using a 3rd-party build system that is build around GNU make and
> CodeWarrior *shudder*, and they have provided a fairly chunky file that
> needs to be included at the top of the makefile, e.g.:
> include $(SOME_ROOT_DIR)/build/buildtools/commondefs
> Is it possible to get cmake to insert this line into my generated makefile?

I think it has already been discussed on this list (you may have a
look in archive).
CMake does not handle such kind of
mix makefile + CMake inclusion.
Moreover you certainly don't *really* want to do it
for the following reason:

How would you use the content of your
include $(SOME_ROOT_DIR)/build/buildtools/commondefs
from within your CMakeLists.txt ?

How can you be sure the eventual makefile rules defined
in your specific file won't clash or interfere with the ones "generated"
by CMake generated Makefiles?

May be you can:

1) Ask your third party build tool provider for CMake support

2) Send on the mailing list the content of
   in order for us to suggest Makefile to CMake translation

3) Design your CMake usage with orthogonal usage
    of the 3-rd party buildtool and your CMake usage
   then you may invoke the "3rd party buildtool make"
   from an ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND in your CMakeLists.txt


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