[CMake] CMake 2.4.7: Generator "Visual Studio 7 .NET 2003" seems to ignore certain LINK_FLAGS properties (worked in 2.4.6)

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Tue Jul 31 09:50:41 EDT 2007

Gerhard Grimm wrote:
> Hello there,
> after upgrading from CMake 2.4.6 to 2.4.7, the previously working build of our software project failed. The failures were caused by missing linker flags in Visual Studio .NET projects that have been specified in the CMakeLists.txt files using
> set_target_properties(<mytarget> PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "<myflags>")
> The missing flags are:
> /DEF:<module definition file>
> (This is completely ignored, resulting in missing DLL entry points.)
> (This combination is required to build a resource-only .exe file for inclusion in a Windows Installer setup. However, only /NOENTRY shows up in the Visual Studio project - and is ignored by the linker since /DLL is missing, resulting in a link error.)
> If those flags have been blocked intentionally, I would be interested to know the reason, and how to have them generated with 2.4.7 (since they are obviously required at times). Otherwise it would be vital to have them work again in Visual Studio .NET - as of now, I'm forced to revert to 2.4.6, which is a pity, since 2.4.7 provides native support for precompiled headers in Visual Studio...
> BTW: The "NMake Makefiles" Generator still accepts those LINK_FLAGS, and the build using Makefiles still works.


Sounds like a bug in 2.4.7....  That is why I do the release candidates...
Oh well.  Can you provide a small example that shows this problem?


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