[CMake] ctest multithreaded

Dr. Alex. GOUAILLARD hanfei at caltech.edu
Tue Jul 24 16:27:42 EDT 2007

hi all,

Annoyed by the time needed by the ITK test suite to run, I made a little 
test trying to use ctest in a multithreaded fashion (thanks to the -I 
option). Attached is a little test that is yet neither automatic or 
complete, but that already give nice results on windows. It could be 
directly extended to deal with the memcheck command, which would be 
great too (as it is even slower).

compile it, copy it in your build directory, and it should work fine.

It first fake running ctest on the first test, for you to read the total 
number of tests. It is then prompting you for that number, and launch 8 
threads (you can change that number in the code) each running 
MaxNumberOfTest / 8 tests. It prints the logs in files named 

-> On my 8 cores (2 4-cores) machine the gain is indeed a factor 8. 1012 
ITK tests in 5 mn (yum!)

-> cmake is trying to write on some temp files, and all but the first 
fail to do that.
-> I did not address merging and writing the resulting xml files for 
dashboard submission. I need to figure how to redirect each individual 
ctest xml output first, then parsing and merging should not really be an 

-> how to use ITK framework to make it plateform independent?
-> how to get the number of cores automatically?
-> how to be compliant with the existing 1: writing temp files?
-> how to be compliant with the existant 2: how to redirect the xml output?

alex "hanfei"
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