[CMake] Re: Deb and RPM package generation modules

Mehdi Rabah mehdi.rabah at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 11:47:31 EDT 2007

Hi Vitor,

 >* Hi everyone,
> *>*
> *>* In case someone is interested in linux package generation within cmake,
> *>*  I've started to improve the existing scripts
> *>* (http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMakeUserUseRPMTools
> *>* <http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMakeUserUseRPMTools>
> *>*   and http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMakeUserUseDebian)
> *>*  to make both debian and rpm packaging easier.
> *
> 	Hello Mehdi,
> 	I'm very interested and trying to use, but I'm experiencing a problem
> and I cannot figure out where exacly it is. I included the macros in my
> main project (actually, I copied your code to test it inside my project)
> and the calls to the macros.
> INCLUDE (../cmake_adds/DpkgDeb.cmake)
> if ( DPKG_FOUND )
>      add_debian_package ( ${PROJECT_NAME} )
> endif ( DPKG_FOUND )
> 	When I run cmake . , I got the error:
> 	CMake Error: Attempt to add a custom rule to output
> "../../control_Project.rule" which already has a custom rule.
The macro use the variable ${PROJECT_NAME} to name the debian control file
(which will be used to generate the deb package). If cmake complain about a
rule already outputing the same file, maybe it's because you're trying to
build packages for many subprojects and two of the subprojects use the
PROJECT() macro with the same name ?

I this doesn't help you, try giving me more details.
Also, try to set CMAKE_MODULE_PATH, instead of giving (like me ^^) the
relative path of the module.

 Ok, but I don't have in any of my project directories the file
> "control_Project.rule" (where Project is the name of my project).
> 	So, I don't know why CMake is complaining. I have a custom rule
> uninstall and I use the CMake's INSTALL command.
> 	Should you clarify your macro?
> 	Thanks a lot,
> --
> 	Projet QGAR
> 	LORIA / INRIA-Lorraine
> 	Campus Scientifique, BP 239
> 	54506, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, FRANCE
> 	Tel: +33 (0)3 54 95 85 76
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