[CMake] Build one target with multiple subdirectories

Michael Hammer michael.hammer at tugraz.at
Mon Jul 2 10:28:07 EDT 2007

Alexander Neundorf schrieb:
> You could also just the the variables in the parent CMakeLists.txt to the full 
> path:
> set(subdir1_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/subdir1")
> set( subdir1_SOURCES
>       ${subdir1_DIR/hello1.cpp
>       ${subdir1_DIR/hello2.cpp)
> add_library(irgendwas ${subdir1_SOURCES} )
This was my first approach. But than I got interested into it if there 
is a way to set the source files in the corresponding directory.
> If you use the idea from James Bigler, I would suggest to name the included 
> files not CMakeLists.txt, but something different, e.g. SourceFiles.txt or 
> something like this.
But that's the point. I would like to add_subdirectory and would like to 
force cmake to parse the CMakelists.txt inside. The next thing is, I can 
append my recursive build in this subdirectory by adding 
add_subdirectory. So I like the version with defining a variable in the 
CMakeLists.txt inside the subdir and than "re"inherit the variable to 
the parent directory.
> So people won't expect that these are normal cmake files 
> which will be processed as the oother CMakeLists.txt
Ack - it's dangerous of course. People have to now how the variable with 
the source files has to be named and what happens with it. But I have 
packaged all about this into macros -> Our developer team is not as big 
-  I can brief everybody to use the macros in the right way.

... but .. I'd be glad to hear further suggestions, greets


Dipl.-Ing. (MSc) Michael Hammer (Scientific Assistant)     __  _|  |_
Institute for Strength of Materials /                     |  ||      |
           Graz University of Technology                  |_    _||__|
phone: +43 (0) 316 873 / 7667                               |__|
fax:   +43 (0) 316 873 / 7169
http://www.fest.TUGraz.at/                    michael.hammer at tugraz.at

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