[CMake] Re: CMake script vs. Lua

Rodolfo Lima rodolfo at rodsoft.org
Sat Dec 15 17:48:42 EST 2007

Bill Hoffman escreveu:
> However, I never intended for the language to be used as a general
> purpose programming tool.  There are much better languages out there for
> that type of thing. 

I couldn't agree more.

> As to why I regret starting this thread, I think it is a waste of my
> time. Most likely 3 or 4 bugs from the CMake bug tracker were not closed
> because I have been reading/writing emails on this thread.  As someone
> pointed out there are plenty of bugs in the tracker to fix!

Hehe, look at the monster I've created! But it's been a healthy
discussion, at least I'm convinced that CMake shouldn't use Lua. I still
think it would be better, but it's not feasible in its current state and
wouldn't add nothing fundamental regarding build systems.


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