[CMake] FindwxWidgets and wxpng

James Bigler bigler at cs.utah.edu
Thu Dec 6 19:01:37 EST 2007

Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva wrote:
> On Dec 6, 2007 6:05 PM, James Bigler  wrote:
>> James Bigler wrote:
>>> In windows it looks for the library path by looking for the wxpng library:
>>>       FIND_PATH(wxWidgets_LIB_DIR
>>>         NAMES wxpng.lib wxpngd.lib
>>>         PATHS
>>>         ${WX_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_lib   # prefer static
>>>         ${WX_ROOT_DIR}/lib/vc_dll
>>>         DOC "Path to wxWidgets libraries?"
>>>         NO_DEFAULT_PATH
>>>         )
>>> There's nothing in the documentation that states I have to have compiled
>>> wxpng for this to work.  It seems like it should be using at least one
>>> of the libraries that I asked it to look for (which didn't include
>>> wxpng), such as base or core or mono.
>>> I'm using cmake 2.4.7 on win XP with wxWidgets 2.8.7.
> Is the wxpng.lib an optional package? If so, I'll change it...

I certainly don't link against it to open simple applications.

> I had thought about using this, since both monolithic and multilib
> versions would have it... What is the best thing to probe for then?
> Probably I should put in the base and mono NAMES so that it can figure
> it out everytime.

That seems like a good idea.

>> In addition, it looks like I have to have these libraries:
>>    #useful common wx libs needed by almost all components
>>     SET(wxWidgets_COMMON_LIBRARIES  png tiff jpeg zlib regex expat)
>> So, if I didn't ask for them, whey are they required?
>>          # Always add the common required libs.
>>          LIST(APPEND wxWidgets_USE_LIBS ${wxWidgets_COMMON_LIBRARIES} )
>> The unix version doesn't require these libraries, so why does the
>> windows one require them?
> The unix version uses wx-config. It is much easier to do things
> through wx-config, because wx-config knows how wxWidgets was
> configured. However, the windows version is not so fortunate... I find
> it has a terrible distribution system. As I have said before,
> wxWidgets should use CMake for their build system manager ;)
> That said, what is being done is that if it is built we add it to
> wxWidgets_LIBRARIES if not.. it will not fail to find wxWidgets. We
> could provide some sort of wxWidgets_NO_LINK_COMMON_LIBS or
> something... is this really necessary?

I don't know the common libraries were "required" libraries (they 
probably are).  I guess these libraries are required or not depending on 
how you configured wxWidgets from setup.h.

I guess a good question for the wxWidgets mailing list would be to know 
if you really need those libraries or not.  If it's dependent on the 
value in the macro, then it might be feasible to pull the information 
from setup.h by either parsing the file directly, or by a TRY_COMPILE 
with a tailored executable that could spit out information on which 
features are available.

That's a little extreme, though.  I good middle ground would be simply 
telling the user which required wx libraries weren't found.


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