[CMake] Create a Space delimited List

Mike Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 12:10:05 EST 2007

<File this under Humor/Help>

How would I go about creating a space delimited list? Currently I  
have something like this:

       SET (OS_X_DEP_QT_LIBS "${OS_X_DEP_QT_LIBS}" "QtNetwork ")

       SET (OS_X_DEP_QT_LIBS "${OS_X_DEP_QT_LIBS}" "QtCore ")

But the resulting list is semi-colon separated. This is being fed  
into a shell script so I would like it to be space delimited instead.

.... Wait a minute.. let me try my handy dandy QtAssistant based  
CMake help that I created last week...

Type in "Replace" in the Search field.. hit Return.. Ah 2  
possibilities.. Click the first...

DING.. I have my answer..

Mike Jackson
imikejackson & gmail * com

PS. For those wondering.. using my script my current machine (2.16  
GHZ Core Duo, OS X) takes about 20 seconds to generate the  
QtAssistant files and then actually launch QtAssistant. After the  
initial creation you only need to launch QtAssistant with the proper  

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