[CMake] Generating makefile from Visual Studio Project (Migrating to Eclipse)

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Wed Dec 5 16:45:21 EST 2007

Olumide wrote:
> Olumide wrote:
>> I'm a CMake newbie and I'd appreciate help creating a makefile *from* 
>> a Visual Studio .NET 2003 project/solution. I'm trying like to migrate 
>> my projects to eclipse and I hope CMake will help make that transition.
> I'm trying to generate a Unix style (or NMake) Makefile that I can use 
> to port my visual studio project to eclipse. I've tried running cmake on 
> the project directory with the -G"Unix Makefiles" and -G"NMake 
> Makefiles" option, but its not working -- I'm getting lots of errors. 
> Apparently, I'm missing a number of variables. How can I set these 
> variables? I'd still like to use the Microsoft compiler *but* within the 
> eclipse environment.

You need to setup the MS compile to work from the command line. The easy 
way is to run the visual studio command prompt from the start menu under 
  visual studio tools.  Then run cmake from that shell, and it should work.

> Also, I've previously run CMake on the project directory, and I got 
> TestTexturePlugin.vcproj.cmake, ALL_BUILD.vcproj.cmake. What is a cmake 
> file? And what can I do with it?

There should also be a .vcproj file and a .sln file.  The .cmake files 
are sort of time stamp files so we can do copy if different operations 
and not have visual studio remove its own files.


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