[CMake] Find executable a test it's version

pepone.onrez pepone.onrez at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 17:02:07 EST 2007

Hello all
I'm new cmake user and need to write a module for test if a pacakage exists,
In my case i need to check If Ice (Internet Communication Engine |
http://www.zeroc.com) is installed, this package is a set of shared
libraries,  include files, and compilers for slice language.

I need to be able of check if  the slice compiler executable exists, and
check the version with the -v argument of the compiler

Here is a pseudo code of what i trying to do

#Search the slice2cpp compiler

SLICE2CPP = SEARCH_EXECUTABLE(slice2cpp /usr/bin)
   if(SLICE2CPP  -v == $ICE_VERSION)

Any ideas for this task
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