[CMake] FIND_LIBRARY not finding libtoto.so.1 if libtoto.so link is missing

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Aug 31 07:25:21 EDT 2007

On 31.08.07 13:19:51, Eric Noulard wrote:
> I think Gonzalo is right the lib is misinstalled
> even some precompiled prog seems to use it with no trouble.
> I'll file a bug to the provider of the package.

Uhm, libraries in binary packages usually come without the stuff that is
needed to compile a program that uses the library. They only include the
library file itself and some docs, so programs that are provided in
binary form and link to the library work (i.e. the link can load the
library for a program that uses it). A program that uses libfoo doesn't
need libfoo.so during runtime, only libfoo.so.X

The development parts (headers and the .so link/file) usually come with
a -dev or -devel package (libname-dev I mean). So I guess you just don't
have that -dev package installed  and this is not a bug in the package


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