[CMake] Using fluid, fltk, cmake and own headers

Jack Kelly endgame.dos at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 14:17:38 EDT 2007

Atwood, Robert C wrote:
> However, when I try to make the project with cmake, the tabinter.{cxx,h}
> files are generated in the build directory, and the compiler cannot then
> seem to locate the source directory where the 'eletable.h' file is
> located. 

Hi Robert,

Here's what I'd add to your CMakeLists.txt:

INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${WIRS_BUILD_DIR}/path/to/.{cxx|h}) as appropriate. 
Perhaps in a macro that calls ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND so you don't have to 
update it.

Try specifying the generated sources as

I couldn't find a definition of FLTK_WRAP_UI in my CMake install, so I'm 
not 100% on how it works.

You may need to mark the source files as generated, if something else 
isn't doing so already. Here's how:


I hope that's of some use to you.

-- Jack

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