[CMake] begginer Q on generated headers with generated tool

Jesús López jesus.lopez.salvador at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 08:48:05 EDT 2007

Congrats for CMake, finally something I can understand speedy, 
instead of the autohell.. :-)

Just a begginer's question if some find the time to it.

I have a project that generates custom IDL to H compiler needed for 
building, I have a big include directoy full with common headers used 
by several targets each in a directory, and some missing headers need 
to be created invocating that IDL2H.

I've read in the FAQ how to create headers depending on custom 
generators, but in the  example all happens in only one 
directory/cmakelists, instead of a proyect spanning in several.

Is there some clean strategy to do this. And also is there a way to 
avoid the need of include the generated headers as explicit 
dependencies of the main targets, being them somehow redundant 
looking at the output/depends sections of the add_custom_command?

Maybe a pointer to a CMakeLists that do something like this?

Kind regards,

PS: I'm on cmake 2.4-p6

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