Brandon J. Van Every bvanevery at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 18:27:36 EDT 2006

I'm making a casual effort to build the G3D library, which has CMake 
support under development.  It contains:

I have SDL binaries for VS7.1 on my system in E:\devel\vs71\SDL-1.2.11.  
CMakeSetup complained that it was missing some SDL variables, so I 
manually provided SDL_INCLUDE_DIR and SDLMAIN_LIBRARY.  Things seem to 
build ok after this, although the build breaks somewhere else for G3D 
reasons, so I'm not 100% sure of success here.

Anyways, CMake is also looking for SDL_LIBRARY_TEMP.  This is not 
documented.  Googling, it appears to be specific to the CMake FindSDL 
module, and is not any kind of general SDL parameter.  It shows up in 
CMakeSetup as SDL_LIBRARY_TEMP-NOTFOUND.  Leaving it alone doesn't seem 
to cause a problem, but to the user it looks like an error.  If FindSDL 
is creating this variable, shouldn't it initialize it or something?  
Make it not look suspect.

Brandon Van Every

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