[CMake] How to read a registry key?

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Wed Sep 6 20:55:41 EDT 2006

At 05:36 PM 9/6/2006, Anton Deguet wrote:
>I have found that using EXEC_PROGRAM with ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E I can
>write/remove a key in the Windows registry but I haven't figured out how
>to read a key.  Is there a simple solution for that?  

Sure, but it seems not to be documented....
Several commands including GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT will expand things
like this:

"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit\\2.0;JavaHome]/bin"

You can use this to read registry values.  I will add some docs in
the morning.


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