[CMake] Re: Universal binaries

cmake at erwincoumans.com cmake at erwincoumans.com
Mon Nov 6 15:27:52 EST 2006


Just to let you know, I'm creating Mac OS X universal binaries for my Bullet 
Physics samples using CMake without problems. No QT is used, just GLUT, so 
it might be in the QT area. 

I use CMake creating Xcode projectfiles, and then just flag i386+ppc in the 
projectfile settings. 


Matthew J Smith writes: 

> Having successfully got CMake to install my resources to where I  wanted 
> them in the bundle (thanks Axel), I'm now struggling to get it  to build 
> my universal binary properly.  The instructions I found  after much 
> Googling were to set the variable  "CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES" to 
> "ppc;i386", which I did.  It builds the  object files, but at the linking 
> stage produces this output: 
> /usr/bin/c++    -arch ppc -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/ 
> MacOSX10.4u.sdk -headerpad_max_install_names -fPIC "CMakeFiles/ 
> Speedcrunch.dir/aboutbox.o" "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/configdlg.o"  
> "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/crunch.o" "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/ 
> deletevardlg.o" "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/editor.o" "CMakeFiles/ 
> Speedcrunch.dir/evaluator.o" "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/functions.o"  
> "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/hmath.o" "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/ 
> insertfunctiondlg.o" "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/insertvardlg.o"  
> "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/keypad.o" "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/ main.o" 
> "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/number.o" "CMakeFiles/ 
> Speedcrunch.dir/result.o" "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/settings.o"  
> "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/moc_aboutbox.o" "CMakeFiles/ 
> Speedcrunch.dir/moc_configdlg.o" "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/ 
> moc_crunch.o" "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/moc_deletevardlg.o"  
> "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/moc_editor.o" "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/ 
> moc_evaluator.o" "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/moc_functions.o"  
> "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/moc_hmath.o" "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/ 
> moc_insertfunctiondlg.o" "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/ moc_insertvardlg.o" 
> "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/moc_keypad.o"  
> "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/moc_number.o" "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/ 
> moc_result.o" "CMakeFiles/Speedcrunch.dir/moc_settings.o" "CMakeFiles/ 
> Speedcrunch.dir/qrc_crunch.o"   -o Speedcrunch.app/Contents/MacOS/ 
> Speedcrunch  -F/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.2.1-Universal/lib -framework  
> QtCore -lpthread -framework QtGui -framework Qt3Support
> /usr/bin/ld: for architecture ppc
> /usr/bin/ld: warning can't open dynamic library: /Developer/SDKs/ 
> MacOSX10.4u.sdk/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.2.1-Universal/lib/ 
> QtSql.framework/Versions/4/QtSql referenced from: /usr/local/ 
> Trolltech/Qt-4.2.1-Universal/lib/Qt3Support.framework/Qt3Support  
> (checking for undefined symbols may be affected) (No such file or  
> directory, errno = 2) 
> This (and a lot more) is repeated for the i386 architecture as well.   In 
> other words, it's looking for the Qt library inside the Mac SDK,  which 
> suggests that it's feeding the linker the wrong flags. 
> I enclose my CMakeLists.txt again (revised, obviously) in case anyone  can 
> tell me what, if anything, I'm doing wrong, or whether it's a bug  in 
> CMake. 
> Matt 
> --  
> http://www.blogistan.co.uk/qt/ 

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