[CMake] Convenience Libraries and Precompiled Headers

James Mansion james at wgold.demon.co.uk
Tue May 23 15:00:46 EDT 2006

Is it possible to convince CMake to build a set of convenience libraries and
then a main library?

By convenience library, I mean a (static?) library that contains objects.
Or possibly just a zip file of objects.

Where the target main library is static, the objects are compiled for static
library use and then all the objects combined together.

Where the target main library is dynamic, the objects are compiled for
dynamic linking and then a dynamic library is constructed.  (And in this
case, the objects should have ideally part_IMPLEMENTATION and
main_IMPLEMENTATION defined, so the auto exports work if we make lots of
small DLLs or one big one).


And - does/will it handle precompiled headers, now that Apple have them and
gcc will too in future?


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