[CMake] Digital Mars

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Fri May 19 11:09:30 EDT 2006

At 10:44 AM 5/19/2006, Amitha Perera wrote:
>On Thu 18 May 2006, William A. Hoffman wrote:
>> I am not even sure we always have that information.  For example,
>> someone might do LINK_DIRECTORIES(....) LINK_LIBRARIES(A).
>In principle, CMake has enough knowledge to look for it by scanning
>the current LINK_DIRECTORIES for libA.

Sure, cmake would have to be a linker....  Or at least act like one...

>> Maybe we could set the LIB env as part of the link command.
>> Then use the /SCANLIB option.   Then do something like this:
>> In Windows-bmc.cmake try this:
>I tried this before my previous post, and it didn't work. The problem
>is that the directory still appears on the command line, and it is
>interpreted as a library.
>> We might need to create a <LINK_DIRECTORIES> that would only have
>> the link directories part of the link line, but that might work with
>> the extra junk at the end of the lib path.
>necessary, because dmc can't deal with the directory paths being on
>the command line.

Yea, I think that is what is needed.

The other option is to use the Microsoft linker....


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