[CMake] How can I permanently get rid of project configurations for VS.Net 2003?

Jan Woetzel jw at mip.informatik.uni-kiel.de
Thu May 18 12:27:46 EDT 2006

Phillip Hellewell wrote:

> Mainly I just want Debug and Release, like it was before.  But I may 
> keep RelWithDebInfo, because I see that one being useful for me.

Try to set CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES to "Debig;Release"

> How can I permanently get rid of the MinSizeRel configuration, so it 
> is never generated?  I want to do it globally, not by having to change 
> every CMakeList.txt file.

We are using a global "DefineCommon.cmake" in our CMakeModules dir to 
override several CMake defaults like build type, flags etc.



  Dipl.-Ing. Jan Woetzel
  University of Kiel
  Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
  Hermann-Rodewald-Str. 3 [room 310]
  24098 Kiel/Germany
  Phone +49-431-880-4477
  Fax   +49-431-880-4054
  Mob.  +49-179-2937346
  Url   www.mip.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~jw
  Email jw at mip.informatik.uni-kiel.de

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