[CMake] Autoconf2CMake

Jordi Inglada jordi.inglada at cnes.fr
Wed May 10 04:57:48 EDT 2006

Hi all,

Is there anything like an autoconf2CMake utility? We are trying to
include an autoconf-based project in the source tree of our CMake-based
library and we are having some trouble.

The library we want to encapsulate has a complex directory tree and the
manual conversion is not an easy task. We would like to have an
automatic procedure, since we plan to update the sources when new
versions of the library are available.

Thanks for your help.

J. Inglada

18, avenue Edouard Belin
31401 Toulouse Cedex 09 - France
Tel. +33.(0) - Fax. +33.(0) 

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