[CMake] Macro with strings: nmake/Visual

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon Jun 12 15:37:26 EDT 2006

Peter Kümmel wrote:
> When I use add_definitions I must
> pass for nmake and the IDE different
> string macro definitions:
> 1. source code: #define BOOST_USER_CONFIG=<config.h>
> if(MSVC_IDE)
>     add_definitions(-DBOOST_USER_CONFIG=&lt\;config.h&gt\;)
> else(MSVC_IDE)
>     add_definitions(-DBOOST_USER_CONFIG="<config.h>")
> endif(MSVC_IDE)
> 2.  source code: #define DLOCALEDIR="."
> if(MSVC_IDE)
> 	add_definitions(-DLOCALEDIR=".")
> else(MSVC_IDE)
> 	add_definitions(-DLOCALEDIR=\\".\\" )
> endif(MSVC_IDE)
> Is there a simpler solution or is it a bug?

Passing angle brackets and quotes in definitions through the command 
line has never really been done with CMake before.  I'd say this is a 
bug, but I'm not sure how to fix it without breaking someone's project 
who already did your work-around.  Please report it to the bug tracker 
so at least it won't be lost.


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