[CMake] automagically generated header hell

Benjamin THYREAU thyreau at shfj.cea.fr
Mon Jul 3 05:13:21 EDT 2006

Le Vendredi 30 Juin 2006 18:26, David Somers a écrit :

> I had a situation where a tool would always regenerate a h file... I fudge
> the issue now by caching the file and only replace it if diff says the file
> really is different (opposed to just being newer).
Hi, I have kindof similar situation, so i'm curious about how you did that. 
Did you make your own custom external script (calling diff), or is there a 
standard way to do it ?
Also, my generated headers sometimes differs only by a C comment (a timestamp 
in fact), so do  someone know if there is a customizable way to compare files 
for uptodateness ?

Benjamin Thyreau

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