[CMake] nasm and TRY_COMPILE problem

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Thu Feb 23 11:40:32 EST 2006

At 10:43 AM 2/23/2006, Prakash Punnoor wrote:

>Now another question: nasm cannot link code, so what should I write into 
>CMAKE_ASM_LINK_EXECUTABLE? It should use the default c/c++/whatever linker.

It should run the link command directly.

>Why does TRY_COMPILE not only compile but also try to link the code? Actually 
>compilng only would be enough to run most tests and would also be a bit 
>faster if you avoid linking.

Sometimes that is the only way to make sure something actually compiles and works.

>This is now a major problem for me. I really don't want to work-around all 
>this troubles....

You would have to post your files so that someone might be able to debug them.

>(°=                 =°)
>//\ Prakash Punnoor /\\
>V_/                 \_V
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