[CMake] QT and CMake

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Tue Aug 1 11:10:14 EDT 2006

At 10:59 AM 8/1/2006, Mike Jackson wrote:

>I came across that web site a little bit ago.. the problem that I am  
>having is the QT4_WRAP_UI is NOT generating a file...

You might have started at that point....  :) 

>Here is the relevant part of my CMakeLists.txt file:
>    ImageImporter.ui
>QT4_WRAP_UI(qtproject_UIS_H ${qtproject_UIS})
>Which is pretty much from the web site. There is a note right  
>underneath this section that says using this macro will NOT generate  
>the file and I should use something else...
>This is all on cmake 2.4.3 and OS X 10.4.7

You have to make sure that all generated sources .h or .cpp are in the
source list of some target or it will not work.

See this FAQ:

So make sure ${qtproject_UIS_H} is added to the sources of some target (exe or library).


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