[CMake] HowTo build one Linux binary set for all platforms?

Matt England mengland at mengland.net
Thu Apr 13 11:42:02 EDT 2006

I would like to build one Linux binary set--binary apps and any associated 
dynamic libraries--for all (or as many as possible) Linux platforms.  I may 
still make multiple *package* distributions (eg, .rpm, .deb etc), but I 
would like to have one build process provide the binary-file-set input to 
these packages.

How does one effectively do this?

I realize this thread may be off-topic, and my apologies if I'm abusing the 
CMake email list.  Alas, I see that CMake does provide a "single-binary" 
set for all Linux platforms:


How is this done?  Is it a careful management of std-library/kernel-library 
dependence?  I'm sure it is, but I'm not sure exactly how to go about 
controlling this.  Is there a reference I can read somewhere?  Is it mostly 
a matter of constructing the "least common denominator" build systems from 
which to link the "most ubiquitous" library set?

My project is a C++-based one.  Does this have a bearing on my library 
depedence?  (eg, libstdc++...so?)

Thanks for any help,

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