[CMake] Proposal of Microsoft DLLs to Borland wrapping capabilities

Luca Picello luca.picello at libero.it
Tue Oct 11 16:16:21 EDT 2005

I'd like to use Borland C++ builder IDE which is great for GUI 
development with VTK/ITK etc.
However due to Borland compiler bugs it is impossible to successfully 
compile VTK > 4.4.
I do not know when and if those bugs will be resolved but a possible 
solution can be wrapping classes from DLLs from Microsoft compiler and 
include them in the project.
This work is pretty hard due of impilib impdef etc tools that have to be 
invoked and manual text files we have to produce to include every single 
function from MS-DLLs.
Is there or there will be, any way to do it automatically with cmake?

Thank you,

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