[CMake] Re: Frameworks and FIND_FILE

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Tue Dec 27 15:31:28 EST 2005

OK, I have checked in support for frameworks in FIND_FILE, and FIND_LIBRARY.
It works like this:

Assume we have some framework foo, with 

FIND_FILE(FOO foo.h)  --  Sets FOO to /System/Library/Frameworks/foo.framework/Headers

FIND_FILE(FOOFRAME foo/foo.h) -- Sets FOOFRAME to /System/Library/Frameworks/foo.framework

FIND_LIBRARY(FOOLIB foo)  -- Sets FOOLIB to /System/Library/Frameworks/foo.framework


TARGET_LINK_LINBRARY(bar ${FOOLIB}) - foreach .o that is part of bar -F/System/Library is added
to the compile line.  For linking -F/System/Library and -framework foo are added to the link line.

INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${FOO}) -- Adds a -I/System/Library/Frameworks/foo.framework/Headers
to the compile line.

INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${FOOFRAME}) -- Adds a -F/System/Library to the compile line.

It will only add a -F once, duplicates are removed.  Also, I did not stop it from
adding -F for system locations like /System/Library because it does not cause a
warning, and is more simple.

In searching for frameworks, the following search order is used:

(path listed in command)


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