[CMake] Dependencies

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Wed Oct 20 15:39:48 EDT 2004

What is project_target?
The POST_BUILD custom command is used for adding commands onto an
existing target (library, executable, custom target).  If there is
no target called project_target then it will do nothing.

If you added a 

ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(project_target ALL 

Then did the FOREACH loop I think it would work.


At 02:24 PM 10/20/2004, Chris Scharver wrote:

>The top-level CMakeLists.txt lists the models and src directories as SUBDIRS. The models should only be copied if the source target was built. Here's the relevant portion from models/CMakeLists.txt:
># Use GLOB to grab all the model files
># Copy each model file to the build directory.
>FOREACH(modelfile ${MODEL_FILES})
>    ARGS -E copy_if_different ${modelfile}
>    )
>The generated Makefile doesn't contain anything for copying files. Is this due to the fact that the models directory cannot properly detect the dependency on the project_target specified in the src directory? Or does TARGET and POST_BUILD not work for Makefiles? If I instead use:
>    ARGS -E copy ${modelfile}
>    )
>I see the commands in the generated Makefiles, but they never execute. I'm always running make from the project root build directory.
>Chris Scharver
>Electronic Visualization Laboratory
>The University of Illinois at Chicago
>Ph: 312-996-3002   FAX: 312-413-7585
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