[CMake] [PATCH] kdevelop3 generator, 2nd version

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Tue Oct 12 17:06:17 EDT 2004

OK, so I just took a closer look at kdevelop and what we did.
The file groups works in our version of kdevelop, but the file tree
tab and cvs do not work with our approach.   

I suppose this means we may have to go back to polluting the source tree.
One other option, since kdevelop only works on unix, would be to
create a mirror tree with symlinks from the binary tree into the
source tree for out of source builds.

How does one do an out of source build with kdevlop right now?
I am guessing you can't.  Perhaps we should be lobbing the kdevlop folks
to add the feature of having a separate source tree from the build tree, and
having the project files live in the build tree.


At 03:02 PM 10/12/2004, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>> I really do not want to write into the source tree. 
>> We have proved that it can work in the binary tree. 
>> What if the source tree is on a cd rom?  There  are 
>> many issues with writing into the source tree, and 
>> I don't think we need to do it. 
>> When you say it does not work now, exactly what does not 
>> work? 
>All files in the foo.kdevelop.filelist which have either an absolute path 
>or which are located somwhere higher (../whatever/ ) don't appear in the 
>file groups tab and the ile tree tab. 
>I'll update my kdevelop to check if this is still the case with the 
>current version. 
>> The big project works fine, it has all the source 
>> files, and you can build it from kdevelop.  The only missing 
>> part is how to correctly handle the sub-projects.    
>Well, that's why I created a filelist-file for every subproject, which 
>contained the files belonging to this project. 
>> Why can we not have: 
>> TopProject.kdevelop 
>> TopProject.kdevelop.filelist  (this has the list of sources from 
>> target1,target2,target3) 
>>   SubProject.kdevelop 
>>      SubProject.kdevelop.filelist (this has the list of sources from 
>> target3) 
>That's what my patch did, only that the filelist file was located at the 
>root of the source tree. 
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