[Cmake] Hopefully simple CMake problem

Dejan Lekic leka at entropy.tmok.com
Tue, 09 Mar 2004 17:44:10 +0100

Hi to all developers on The List!

Recently i came to problem i didn't know how to solve with CMake. I 
really hope this could be somehow tweaked... My knowledge of CMake is 
still not good.

My source tree looks like this:
|-- lib
|-- rtk
|-- scripts
|-- src
|   |-- core
|   |   `-- platform
|   |       |-- linux
|   |       `-- win32
|   `-- device
|       |-- linux
|       `-- win32
|-- test
|   `-- core
|       `-- CMakeTmp
`-- uml

So far i've managed to make library librtk somewhere in ./src/core 
(although i would like to have it in ./lib - but that is not so much 
important now - i can live with it for now). However, when i added 
platform/* my library is (on GNU/Linux) created in 
./src/core/platform/linux ... C++ source files are in ./src/core and 
./src/core/platform/(win32|linux), headers are all in ./rtk .

I would really apriciate any hint/help/suggestion here. I have easily 
managed to do this with autotools, but i prefer CMake over autotools 
because it is IMHO more clean/easy.

Later i intend to add few more libraries, most notably librtk_device 
which would contain stuff from ./src/core/device/(linux|win32|sdl) .

Please, help... :(

Dejan Lekic