[Cmake] Cannot generate nmake build

Chris Scharver scharver at evl.uic.edu
Thu, 4 Mar 2004 15:18:08 -0600


I'm trying to get an nmake build working since I'm tired of typing the 
long msdev command on the command line to compile the CMake-built 
Visual Studio project. CMake first complained that I didn't have the 
compiler in my path. That seems odd since I never needed it explicitly 
set in my path for Visual Studio builds.  I didn't have the compiler in 
my default path, but once I added it I then encountered a new error:

The compiler 'cl' is not able to compile a simple test program.
It fails with the following output:
  Building object file testCCompiler.obj...
	cl  at C:\Temp\nma01360,
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x80'

CMake will not be able to correctly generate this project.

This seems to use my TMP environment variable. I tried deleting it, but 
it didn't do anything to resolve the error. Are there some other steps 
that I need to take in order to make sure that CMake can generate nmake 
files? Why would it have no problem generating Visual Studio 6 project 
files (they use the same compiler)? This is all with CMake 1.8-3 and 
Visual Studio 6 SP 5 on Windows 2000.


Chris Scharver
Electronic Visualization Laboratory
The University of Illinois at Chicago
Ph: 312-996-3002   FAX: 312-413-7585