[CMake] copy a source file at configure

Andy Cedilnik andy.cedilnik at kitware.com
Tue Dec 7 15:17:08 EST 2004

Hi Leila,

You might want to specify the full path to the files.

You do this by saying:


That said, it is very bad to write into the source dir. So, what you should really do is:



Leila baghdadi wrote:

>Hi everyone
>I was just wondering if anyone knows how to do a following
>I need to create a directory and then copy some header files to this
>directory before the built
>i.e only filename and location changed and the content remains the same 
>source/A.h-win32 to
>so I tried MAKE_DIRECTORY(B) and then
>CONFIGURE_FILE(source/A.h-win32 source/B/A.h COPYONLY)
>but I can not get it to work
>I also tried 
>but that was also not successful,

Andy Cedilnik
Kitware Inc.

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