[Cmake] module dependencies

Dekeyser, Kris Kris.Dekeyser at lms.be
Thu Aug 19 05:37:37 EDT 2004


While CMake's TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES command nicely resolves
sub-dependencies, it does not add the module's library target directory
(LINK_DIRECTORIES) nor the module's exported header file directories
(INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) to the current project.

Is there an easy way to do have CMake add the proper include directories for
the module dependencies?

BTW things may get pretty complicated: if A depends on B and B depends on C
then the library directory of C should be included for A as well and if B's
public headers include C's headers, the include dir of C should be added to
A's project. Currently, the library dependencies are handled nicely, but I
have to add and maintain each and all of the sub-dependencies in all the
CMakeLists.txt files.

- Kris
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