[Cmake] Re: CMake Apple XCode support?

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Thu, 22 Apr 2004 16:55:55 -0400

There is no document per-say.  However, I would be willing to help via email if you wanted to
attempt this.  

Before you get started XCode would have to support the following:

1. custom commands - being able to run arbitrary commands as part of the build
2. try compiles - creating a small xcode project and build it in batch mode from
cmake.   For example, the visual studio IDE stuff does something this:
msdev foo.dsw /MAKE target
3. sub directories, and out of source builds

If you can do those things, then there is a good chance it can be done.
We spent some time with Code Warrior on the Mac, only to find out there 
was no way to do 2, and the work died.

If it can do those things, then you would most likely want to start with
the visual studio 7 generator and modify it to create the new XCode generator
as that is most likely to be the closer than the makefile generator.


At 04:34 PM 4/22/2004, Zachary Pincus wrote:

>Just out of curiosity, is there a "CMake Project Writer" interface somewhere that I could maybe look at to see if XCode's applescript interface is even up to all the requirements for CMake?
>Anyhow, I'm happy to help where I can.