[Cmake] Disabling cmake.check_depends

Brad King brad . king at kitware . com
Thu, 11 Sep 2003 13:03:12 -0400 (EDT)

> > INCLUDE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION("^[^v].*|v[^n].*")
> And is something like this possible without changing the CMakeLists.txt file?
> I was thinking of something like
> 	make NO_DEPENDS=1
> which would run "make" without first updating the dependency files.

Well, you can run make on a one-time basis without checking dependencies
by skipping over the targets.  Every cmake-generated Makefile has this
target responsible for keeping dependencies up to date:

default_target: <some dependencies>
        $(MAKE) $(MAKESILENT) cmake.depends
        $(MAKE) $(MAKESILENT) cmake.check_depends
        $(MAKE) $(MAKESILENT) -f cmake.check_depends
        $(MAKE) $(MAKESILENT) all

You can just run "make all" to skip dependency updates.  However, we make
no guarantee that this implementation will continue to be used in the
