[Cmake] DESTDIR for make install

Albert Strasheim 13640887 at sun . ac . za
Tue, 25 Nov 2003 09:04:30 +0200


As far as I can tell, the DESTDIR for make install issue was last discussed
in December 2001. See:

http://www . cmake . org/pipermail/cmake/2001-December/002517 . html

In that thread it was stated that something like DESTDIR would not make it
into 1.0. The current stable version of CMake is now 1.8.1, and as far as I
can tell there is still no way of doing an "out of place" install (which is
what autotools DESTDIR facilitates). Is there?

To recap, DESTDIR is essential when building RPM or DEB packages, since you
want to install everything relative to some temporary directory wherefrom
the package manager can then create the package. The workaround suggested in
the above-mentioned thread (to use a chroot) is only feasible if you are
building packages as root (this is not always the case).

Any suggestions on how I can do an "out of place" install?

