[Cmake] BCB6 CMake 1.6.7 build

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Fri May 23 16:41:02 EDT 2003

At 03:51 PM 5/23/2003, dean.inglis at on.aibn.com wrote:
>Hi Bill,
>I deleted the binary tree and the build
>proceeds without error, just a couple of 
>W8004 warnings: var assigned a value never used in...
>I will add Hyoid (FYI, hyoid is a laptop and if
>you know what the hyoid bone is you'll get the
>joke :)) as an experimental BCB6 for CMake & VTK.

I would also be interested in fixing it to work without
the -D_USE_OLD_RW_STL  flag.    It looks like it just needs
a few extra #include lines in the right place.
I have added #include <stdlib.h> in each file that used
atoi or atof, so that should get around many of the errors
in the first try you did.  The only one I do not know what include
to add is the getenv call.   Where is that?

Can you try a clean build without the ODL_RW and see if it works now?


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