[Cmake] ITK Projects and CMake, esp. w/ OS X

John M. Galeotti jgaleotti at cmu.edu
Tue Jan 28 18:55:30 EST 2003

Hello, I am working with ITK under OS X, and I have some questions 
about properly configuring CMake for my projects that use ITK.

CMake 1.6 automatically added several CXX flags when building ITK, and 
now want's every program that uses ITK to have the same flags.  What is 
the proper way of handling this?  Should I set them in CMakeLists.txt 
just before including the ITK module?  Will that break other platforms 

Also, what is the correct, cross platform CMake way of specifying that 
debugging should be enabled and that all warnings should be displayed?

Please email me directly, since I am not on the CMake list.

Thank you,

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