[Cmake] Problem with LoadCommand

John Biddiscombe jbiddiscombe at skippingmouse.co.uk
Mon Jan 6 14:08:34 EST 2003

> INCLUDE(${VTK_CMAKE_EXTENSIONS_DIR}/vtkLoadCMakeExtensions.cmake)
>                           ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/VTKCMake)
> The "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/VTKCMake" should be a unique directory in your
> project's build tree that is not part of the rest of the build.

Nope. This still causes access violations. It does the same Compiling vtk
extensions. Pauses for a while whilst it goes off and does it, then says
"Compiling vtk extensions - done" then crashes.

The dlls and everythi8ng are appearing in the directory as expected, but I
had a peek at the DLL's using Dependency walker and it looks like it may be
compiling the DLL's with Borland. This is no good, because I compile cmake
with visual studio and the dlls probably won't mix and match well.

CMake - Microsoft
Project - Borland
Dlls ? - Does cmake know what to do? Are the borland dlls ok with cmake? OK
it loooks as though the vtk extensions are compiled with Borland when I
build vtk, and they work then, so the must be ok. If the Extensions are just
C then there shouldn't be a problem. I'll dig some more.

Any further ideas welcome. (I need to get this working because I can't build
my project without it. Thanks)


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