[Cmake] (Cmake 1.6.4)+(bcc32 5.5.1)+(.rc file)=problem

Oleg Kagan oleg_kagan at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 17 05:49:12 EST 2003

I am trying to use cmake to build simple project under Borland C++ Free
It looks like support for resource files is broken, or maybe I doing
something wrong...
May anybody help with this problem?

The only solution I found is to add


where ok.cmd is

	@echo off
	brc32 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
	move /y %1 rc_%1
	echo #pragma resource "rc_%1" > %1

Problem here is that you can't have resource filename the same as any of
c/cpp files (e.g. testrc.cpp and testrc.rc)

Here is initial project

************* CMakeLists.txt:

ADD_EXECUTABLE(testrc testrc.cpp testrc0.rc)

************* testrc.cpp:

#include <windows.h>

int main()
    MessageBox(NULL,"Hello, world!", "testrc.exe",MB_OK | MB_SYSTEMMODAL);

************* testrc0.rc

#define VERSIONINFO_1	1

FILEVERSION 1, 0, 0, 0
 BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
  BLOCK "040904E4"
   VALUE "CompanyName", "My Company\000\000"
   VALUE "FileDescription", "Description from .def file here\000"
   VALUE "FileVersion", "1.00\000\000"
   VALUE "InternalName", "Application name\000"
   VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (c) My Company 1993\000\000"
   VALUE "OriginalFilename", ".exe file name here\000"


 BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
  VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1252



MAKE Version 5.2  Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland
        make  cmake.depends
MAKE Version 5.2  Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland
        make  cmake.check_depends
MAKE Version 5.2  Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland
        make  -f cmake.check_depends
MAKE Version 5.2  Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland
cmake.depends is up-to-date
        make  all
MAKE Version 5.2  Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland
        echo Building object file testrc.obj...
Building object file testrc.obj...

bcc32 -DWIN32 -P -w- -whid -waus -wpar -tWM -Od -v -Ic:\testrc -otestrc.obj 
-c c:\
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
        brcc32  /r testrc
Borland Resource Compiler  Version 5.40
Copyright (c) 1990, 1999 Inprise Corporation.  All rights reserved.
        echo Building executable testrc.exe...
Building executable testrc.exe...
        bcc32 -tWM -v -tWC -etestrc.exe -w- -whid -waus -wpar -tWM
import32.lib testrc.obj testrc.res
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character ' ' (0xff)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character ' ' (0xff)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character ' ' (0xff)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character ' ' (0xff)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character '' (0x0)
Error E2206 testrc.RES 1: Illegal character 'Ь' (0x9c)
Error E2228 testrc.RES 1: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***

** error 1 ** deleting testrc.exe

** error 1 ** deleting default_target


Oleg Kagan
E-mail:  oleg_kagan at yahoo.com
Home page: http://beam.to/kagan
"It finally happened - I'm slightly mad" (Queen)

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