[Cmake] Bootstrap of CMake

Ken Martin ken.martin at kitware.com
Mon Jun 3 15:54:57 EDT 2002

Hello Folk,

I am planning on changing the way that cmake is built on Windows.
Currently there is a dsw and associated dsp files checked into the
source tree. There is also a Borland makefile for those with Borland
compilers. What I would like to do is have people use CMake to build
CMake. Specifically on Windows install CMake 1.4 beta 1 (off of the
CMake download page as CMDev.exe) and then use that to build the
source release of CMake. That way CMake can be built for any compiler
that CMake supports without us having to add more and more makefiles.
So eventually I will remove the dsw and dsp files for cmake. If you
have a Windows dashboard for CMake you will need to change it to use
the installed CMake. For example in the past people would bootstrap
CMake as

cd CMake/Source
msdev CMake.dsw /MAKE "ALL_BUILD - Win32 Debug"

now they should do

cd CMakeBin
c:/Program\ Files/CMake/bin/cmake ..\CMake

(with the correct slashes for your shell/Tcl/etc and the correct
options to cmake such as -G "Borland Makefiles" etc)


Ken Martin, PhD
Kitware Inc.
518 371-3971 x101
469 Clifton Corporate Pkwy.
Clifton Park, NY 12065

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