[Cmake] MS Project dsp regeneration

Bill Hoffman bill . hoffman at kitware . com
Mon, 14 Jan 2002 10:53:30 -0500


I am thinking of removing the dependances on the CMakeLists.txt files to
generate the .dsp files from cmake.   

This would mean that:

1. if a CMakeLists.txt file changed and you did a build in MSDev you could
possibly have out of date dsp files.  ( you would always have to run cmake outside
of msdev when a CMakeLists.txt file changed.)

2. You could use the Clean and ReBuild all options on MSDeve without being
inundated with the "dsp file has changed on disk would you like to reload?" questions.

It seems that this feature of cmake is more trouble than it is worth.
If there was some way to avoid MSDev asking the question, and automatically reloading,
that would be greate, but I don't think there is.
