[Cmake] Making the cmake FindXXX.cmake files more consistent

Amitha Perera perera at cs.rpi.edu
Fri Aug 16 15:05:48 EDT 2002

On Fri, Aug 16, 2002 at 01:50:09PM -0400, Brad King wrote:
> The module "FindFOO.cmake"  should
> define:
> FOO_FOUND        = 1 for found, 0 for not found.
> FOO_INCLUDE_DIRS = Directories to add to compiler's header search path.
> FOO_LIBRARY_DIRS = Directories to add to linker's library search path.
> FOO_LIBRARIES    = Libraries to link.
> FOO_DEFINITIONS  = Preprocessor definitions to add for sources using FOO.
> FOO              = The path to the foo executable.

This list of variables brings a subtle assumption that I would rather
not have: the client of a library must specify the *directories* for
any dependent libraries.

Consider vil (vxl's image library). vil depends on libraries such as
jpeg, tiff, and png. We have somewhere


In the executable, we have


All works well, without the need for LINK_DIRECTORIES, because
JPEG_LIBRARIES is defined as /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.so. That is, the
full path is already embedded in the dependency. If it weren't, the
client would need to do a


and much of the benefit of the dependency analysis is lost.

I believe the even works for separated libraries. For example,

  TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( vil "-L/usr/local/lib -lpng -lz" )



will properly link against vil, png and libz, without the need to
specify additional directories.

I think, therefore, that the FOO_LIBRARY_DIRS should not exist. That
path should be embedded in FOO_LIBRARIES. Now, it may be somewhat
accidental that this works. If so, I think CMake should be made so
that this is not accidental. The less the client needs to know about
implementation details of a library, the better.

> I also propose that none of these variables should be a cache entry.
> Modules should never pollute the variable namespace.  All variables and
> cache entries used in module FOO should start with FOO_.

I agree with this. The fewer entries in the cache, the better. And
less pollution is better.

> Modules should never do anything that affects the build directly, such as
> CMakeLists.txt author is ready to use the library, the variables provided
> by the module can be used as arguments to the appropriate commands:

Perhaps we should provide a corresponding UseFOO module that does the
first three (two, with my suggestion above)? Saves a _little_ bit of
typing, and may provide a convenient place for funny libraries. For
example, libpng needs special definitions depending on shared or
static libraries, client code or library code, etc.

> This will be fine for CMake 1.6 as long as the modules maintain backward
> compatability with the current modules.  This means only that the old
> names have to be kept, but deprecated.

But how long must the ugliness remain? :-) Perhaps we could use the
CMake minimum required version to conditionally do the backward
compatible stuff.


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